

The Paperbag Writer, commonly known as Nicole, is a current English student at Penn State University. She grew up in a small town, where she still resides, but eagerly awaits the day when she moves to the city to work, write, and join in the activism. Nicole’s dream job is Young Adult (YA) Writer, but most likely before that happens, she hopes to earn an MA in Gender Studies, and write a much-needed women’s studies book, thanks to the inspiration of one friend. Nicole also has the desire to earn a PhD at some point in her life.

Formerly a journalist for her town’s much-loved newspaper, Nicole is in the honors program, which landed her on a week-long trek through Reykjavik and Hveragerði, Iceland this past year. She is currently freelancing for another local newspaper, is treasurer of the Diversified Students Association and is a member of the Coalition for Equity. Starting in the fall, Nicole will be working as student-elected director of the Lion Players, her campus’s Shakespearean theatre group. She directed her county’s first production of The Vagina Monologues in February 2010 and is looking forward to doing so again next year. She is a regular contributor to the blog abortion gang.

Writing is just one of Nicole’s artistic passions. In addition, she loves photography, poetry and prose, music and theatre. She feels happily at home in a dimly lit theater or the creative atmosphere of a cafe.

Nicole is known as The Paperbag Writer because when inspiration strikes, she grabs the closest thing to write on. These things have included Post-Its, books, her hand, and even paperbags. She is also aware that this is the name of a Radiohead song.