The Age of Aquarius?

See the page entitled Cultivation for a video of the Broadway cast of the revival of Hair performing on Good Morning America.

According to Wikipedia, the Age of Aquarius “traditionally ‘rules’ electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealists, modernization, rebels and rebellion, mental diseases, nervous disorders, and astrology. Other keywords and ideas believed associated with Aquarius are nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, mankind and irresolution.” Furthermore, different astrologers have calculated when the Age of Aquarius will take place…and they’ve come up with answers ranging from 1447 AD to 3621.

Some people have said the Age of Aquarius has already taken place–that it occured during the 1960s and 1970s, when the musical Hair was shocking theater-going audiences.

I might have to disagree. Sure, there was rebellion, nonconformity and veracity. But did it last? Is there still rebellion, nonconformity and veracity? There are definitely some people who live as though this is the Age of Aquarius, but there are still so many who do not. I am constantly reading Letters to the Editor in my local newspaper about how our country is headed downhill because abortion is still legal and states are beginning to pass legislation that grant all couples who are in love the right to marry. They say that our president is a sinful man because he supports a woman’s right to choose and allows evolution to be taught in schools.

This doesn’t sound like the Age of Aquarius. Can it occur in certain places, though? European countries embrace diversity. Same-sex marriage is legal throughout the country, women are heads of state and the happiest countries in the world (according to polls) have socialist policies. It seems that in countries like that, Aquarius is in full swing. How long will it take for the Age to make on to our side of the pond? When will musicals like Hair be obsolete and dated–just period pieces? I don’t know, but I hope it’s in my lifetime. And until then, we’ll just have to keep singing along to the relevant lyrics of yesterday and today.

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